Phone: |
+27 11 265 5900 |
Address: |
52 14th Road Noordwyk, Midrand , 1687 |
Postal: |
P O Box 1955, Halfway House 1685 |
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About Us: |
The CETA provides skills development services to the construction sector, to implement the objectives of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS III) and to ensure that people obtain the critical or scarce skills that are needed to build the capacity of the construction sector to become economically sustainable and globally competitive. To better understand the skills need in the construction industry CETA conducts research on the skills that employers need. CETA is responsible for identifying skills gaps and developing the education and training programmes that are appropriate to address the skills shortage in line with the skills needs of the construction industry. CETA also funds a number of learning programmes including skills programmes, learnerships, apprenticeships, internships and bursaries at various public education and training institutions such as Universities and TVET Colleges. |
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Contact: Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA)
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